Camino de Santiago

The Way of Saint James has been, and keeps on being, definitely, the most ancient route, more busy and more celebrated of the old continent. Santiago also has shared the attraction of the hikers and walkers of all time but, besides, has created a route, has done a Way. To Santiago and to Galicia can arrive of a lot of ways. But the best form to get there is by the Way of Saint James.

Total collected : 78.258€
Inserción social Jóvenes Deporte inclusivo


El equipo de Activoz propone un nuevo reto para este curso: 37 personas con diversidad funcional, miembros de nuestra asociación, conseguirán realiz...

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El camí de Santiago de la Neus Benítez (afectada d'esclerosi múltiple) amb el seu guia i pílot, Xavi Maltas.El camino de Santiago de Neus Benítez...

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