The Firefighters Running Race is one of the most popular 10k races in the nation. This 2021 wants to continue growing on its solidarity, and in addition to collaborating with Bombers Solidaris, it wants to offer the possibility to runners who wish to support a social organization. You can create your own solidarity challenge or support some of those created by our firefighters and runners! This year you'll also be able to get a free solidary registration. Discover how to get it on the Cursa Bombers website!


Total collected : 20.302€
Salud Ayuda humanitaria Infancia Cooperación internacional

Carrera por Maimuna

Gastos Sanitarios para poder intervenir quirúrgicamente una infección severa del hueso de la pierna.

In support of

Investigación científica Infancia Enfermedades raras

La Lucha de Abril.

Abril padece una enfermedad neurodegenerativa ultrarara, que solo padecen 29 niños más en todo el mundo: SPG52.(Paraparesia Espástica Tipo 52).

In support of
