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4x4x48 Running Challenge to help children cancer

Running an ultra marathon in 48 hours to help kids with cancer










In support of


Salud Cáncer Infancia Jóvenes

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Published: 21 Feb 2021

Long-distance races are not only those that we run in sneakers. Today around 1.100 children fall ill with cancer in Spain each year, these children start a long-distance race without any preparation.

With my challenge, I will challenge my physical and psychological limits by running 6.5 kilometers every 4 hours for 48 hours, achieving a total of 78Km. I will start at the challenge's official time March 5th at 8pm(PST), which for me will be Saturday March 6th at 5am(CET). 
It will be a tough challenge, fighting against lack of rest, accumulation of fatigue, and fighting with suffering. 

About me
I am Rúben, passionate about giving my best, learning every day, getting to know the world, people and living a meaningful life! I love helping people break down their mental barriers and unfold their potential by working on their self-talk.

I am also passionate about trail running and sport for me is a great form of self-improvement. My goal is to run ultra distances (+ 42Km) but I have not yet done distances longer than a marathon, so my goal will be to prove that from mental strength we can go much further than we think.

For me, running long distances is not just about sport, it is about strengthening the mind for the obstacles that life is throwing at us.

My motivation with this challenge is to be able to prove that we can overcome everything that we set out to do through our minds and with it to be able to inspire these children to also be stronger during their "Long-distance Race".

Why Juegaterapia (Play therapy)?
In Juegaterapia they help children with cancer to "run" a better long-distance race while having fun playing - "The chemo playing flies by".

They deliver consoles and video games to children with cancer and transform the oncology areas of hospitals into fantasy worlds to make these little ones feel better and in a friendlier environment and according to their age.

You can watch their little documentary, where they explain the incredible impact that playing has on the health of these boys and girls! Watch Documentary Trailer

What would be like if you could make a difference in those children's careers?

To where goes your donation?
Your money will go to the purchase of Happy Kits so that children can play while they are doing their treatment and thus be able to recover more quickly.

Can we count on your help? :) 

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me on Instagram @ruben_sgomes or by Email, I will be happy to help you!


Frequently asked questions:

Why toys?
Chemotherapy is an aggressive process that activates the sympathetic nervous system that encourages us to flee and that is why we feel pain. With toys, a child is absorbed in a world that he likes, this full absorption paralyzes the generation of disturbing thoughts that produce anxiety, generate pain, and activate the sympathetic nervous system with greater intensity. All of these results make children feel better and requiring almost half as much painkillers for treatment.

These sensations, resulting from playing, activate the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for establishing homeostasis (cellular balance) that favors connection with others, recovery, and helps in the fight against wear and tear and aging. You can see more scientific details in the study here.

Why donate now?
Because when you realize you need it, it's too late. We all have more or less close acquaintances who suffer or have suffered it and we can get a slight idea of how hard it is. Helping to make the healing process more humane and less harsh for children is in everyone's hands. A little help, no matter how small, is still a great help!

Why am I running?
Running motivates me because it is a way of thanking life. With running, I feel free and fully connected with nature, and that gives me life. Tomorrow does not belong to me, for that reason I am going to make Today the best I can with my legs and I hope along the way I can contribute to the improvement of the lives of others.

How can I find out more about Juegaterapia?
You can visit their page to see all the great work they do, watch the documentary or contact them through

Why this specific challenge?
It has been a challenge that I've wanted to accomplish from an incredible human being that has overcome a lot of mental barriers and impacted the lives of millions of people. This is an official challenge and I will do it at the official time (PST). You can see his page here:

En Juegaterapia trabajamos por y para los niños enfermos de cáncer utilizando el juego como terapia; les entregamos consolas y videojuegos que la gente nos dona para que "la quimio jugando se pase volando" y humanizamos espacios en hospitales para que vivan en un entorno más amigable y acorde a su edad.    Construimos jardines en las azoteas de los hospitales, convertimos las habitaciones de aislamiento en Estaciones Lunares, estamos llevando la vida del parque El Retiro al hospital Niño Jesús y si los peques ingresados sienten ganas de ir al cine y no pueden porque tienen que cumplir ciertas condiciones de aislamiento, ¡no pasa nada! Nosotros les llevamos el cine al hospi.

Donators (28)



1,136 days ago

Carlos Raimundo


1,136 days ago

Don Traxler


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Jose Ramos


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Laura Daniela

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Primo Tiago

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Luca Spinelli

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Jose y pury


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Ester Acvi


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Marcel goncalves


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Isaac Rafael


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Comments (16)

Carlos Raimundo

1,136 days ago

Campeão, continua a dar-lhe forte 💪 excelente iniciativa

Primo Tiago

1,142 days ago


Luca Spinelli

1,143 days ago

Bravo Ruben! Complimenti per l’iniziativa e per sensibilizzare le persone verso un tema così importante. Un abbraccio!

Ester Acvi

1,144 days ago

Per una causa que tan de bo pugui deixar d’existir algun dia!! Mentrestant hi posarem el nostre granet d’arena ☺️

Marcel goncalves

1,144 days ago

Buddy here is my donation towards your great cause.... hugs from (marcel Toronto)

Gracias por esta iniciativa tan bonita, campeón! Inspiras a muchos!


1,145 days ago

Gran in iniciativa por una gran persona!!!


1,150 days ago

Grande Ruben, vai com tudo, garra e determinacao, tens todo o meu apoio nesta e em futuras aventruras que te desafiem


1,150 days ago

Bona idea Rubinho! 😀


1,151 days ago

Força aí Riubitz!


1,154 days ago

YOU’RE gonna carry the boats!
