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Support for children's homes in Nazareth (Tamil Nadu, India)

Coverage of and access to quality food for present needs











Cooperación internacional

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Published: 21 Nov 2022

The direct beneficiaries of this project are children from India who come from unfavorable family or social circumstances, as they are deprived of stable housing, a daily meal, basic clothing and access to education that other children of their age have. In addition, they lack some love and care. This anomalous situation is detrimental to their mood and their physical and mental health.

They also do not have access to a healthy diet, nor do they have access to fruits and vegetables for their meals.

School ecoclubs" will be formed and children between the ages of 11 and 16 will be enrolled. They will receive guidance and training in horticulture, fruit and vegetable gardening, herb gardening, etc. Involving children in gardening raises awareness about a balanced diet, nutritional value, care for the environment and agriculture. Children will be delighted to be able to consume the vegetables and fruits they produce themselves.

Support the maintenance of St. Joseph's and St. Theresa's homes and the development of a school garden for the harvesting of fruits and vegetables with the direct involvement of these children.

The following plantings have been planned for the school nutrition garden: mango, coconut, apple, guava, fig, dragon fruit, vegetables and different types of greens. 


La Fundación Esperanza y Alegría se crea bajo los principios espirituales de la Madre Teresa de Calcuta y se caracteriza por su compromiso con las personas más desfavorecidas. Sin distinción de origen, creencias, etnias, culturas, razas ni género, trata de transformar la pobreza en autosuficiencia e intenta proporcionar a las personas beneficiarias de sus proyectos la posibilidad de ser artífices de su propio destino.

Su principal área de actuación es la educación aunque cubre también otros ámbitos como la salud, el agua y el saneamiento y la acción social. 

Trabaja esencialmente con menores, mujeres, jóvenes y menores con discapacidad y personas en riesgo de exclusión social.

Sus ámbitos geográficos de actuación son fundamentalmente la India y España.


Donators (3)

jose luis


592 days ago

María Teresa


604 days ago



605 days ago
