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Casal dels Infants Educational Platform Modules

SCHOLARSHIPS IN TRAINING IN EDUCATIONAL PLATFORMS: understanding and use of the tools of schools.










In support of


Educación Infancia Jóvenes

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Published: 27 Nov 2020

The digital gap comes from afar, but it has become visible with confinement: children at home had difficulty doing homework, families were unable to help them, parents who could not process urgent benefits because they did not they could to make the application online, an unhealthy use of the screens by the little ones.

This is how TecCasal was born, a pilot project that the Casal dels Infants has promoted this year in the Raval district, with the aim of ending it by applying it to all the neighborhoods where they operate, and which aims to provide children and families with digital skills.

The sessions teach those digital tools present in the schooling or training process. The aim is to promote knowledge of the education system, the operation and communication with the school, the operation of virtual learning environments ... and therefore work on consulting the school website or blog, communication for email, use of Moodle / GoogleSuite, educational software that can be used at home, reliable search for information for schoolwork, prevention of cyberbullying, etc.

The TecCasal is also an open door for many families to become familiar with telematic procedures that make their day-to-day life easier: ask the doctor for an appointment, request a transport card for their children, renew the NIE, process a remote benefit ... And finally, it is the opportunity to strengthen the community and mutual support network that is created around the Casal: that families can stay connected when they leave the Casal, that they have new meeting spaces or can organize better to do activities in the neighborhood

The training workshops are done in groups and are part of the programming of the different groups of children and adolescents who participate in the different services of the Casal dels Infants in the Raval, Open Centers, Espais Socioeducatiu, Casal Jove and Casal Familiar.

Each module corresponds to 6 hours of training in the detailed content, with the help of a trainer and the use of the necessary computer equipment.

The cost of each module is 120 euros for a child and their mother/father, we have set a challenge of 10 scholarships to be achieved together by collecting funds to bring this initiative to 10 families.

El Casal dels Infants som una entitat socioeducativa que, des de 1983, fem costat als infants, joves i les seves famílies en risc d'exclusió, amb el seu reforç educatiu i benestar social i emocional.



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1,251 days ago
