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Welcome to the African Money Box Campaign I am organising this little campaign to collect money on behalf of the G3T fundation (










In support of


Cultura y arte Cooperación internacional

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Published: 26 Oct 2009

Welcome to the African Money Box Campaign I am organising this little campaign to collect money on behalf of the G3T fundation ( I hope it's a way that you can make a donation without missing the money. The idea is very simple, I give you an empty Money Box and you fill it up with your spare change during the time of the campaign. At the end of the campaign, you count the money saved and donate it via this website. If you would like to participate, here is what you need to do: 1. Ask Nathalie to give you your personalised Money Box (*) 2. Fill in the Box as you can (see tips & suggestions) 3. Open the Box on the 31/01/10 and count what you saved 4. Go to donate what you saved on this page 5. The donation will be transfered to the associacion G3T ( Tips and suggestions: - Drop you spare change in the box at the end of your days - Propose to your family and friends to get a box You can also: - Decide on 1 coin (ie. all the 20cts) that you'll commit to save just for the box - Do a meal or a night out where the participants can make a donation in the box I hope we'll get to help as much as possible this fundation for Burundi with as little effort as possible for you all. Cheers, Nathalie (*) If you do not leave in Barcelone, you will have to make your own box

Fundación G3T: proyecto pionero en el campo de la educación y el progreso en zona rural en Burundi, África. Desde el año 2000, apostamos por la igualdad en el acceso a la educación y el progreso en zona rural: - Más de 7.250 plazas escolares desde parvulario hasta preuniversitario; - Comedores escolares: más de 90 toneladas de alimentos al año; - Bibliotecas; -Instalaciones deportivas; - Formación a adultos, mercados, carreteras, lucha contra el Sida…

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