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Your contribution will help us finance activities and continue advancing in the development of the intergenerational socio-educational project











Gente mayor Educación Infancia Jóvenes

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Published: 27 Apr 2022

Which is CRENCO

It is a non-profit project that aims to create an Intergenerational educational model / program that can be implemented in all schools during school hours. Adapting the programming of leisure and educational activities to the objectives and projects of each school or center for the elderly, we are responsible for bringing to life the work programs with teams of professionals from various fields and with the support of supportive people.


Encourage, coordinate and support intergenerational training programs in communities at the national and international level, where we work with various public and private institutions to give rise to the various community actions that promote a more just and inclusive society. , where all generations can continue to have opportunities.


Happiness Collectors Growing, Aging, Sharing (CRENCO), as a non-profit organization, wants to respond through education and the various community actions to contribute to improving the quality of life of people avoiding the isolation and loneliness of old and young.

Residential schools and old people's homes work in collaboration throughout the school year with a program that fits the objectives of each center, achieving work with children, adolescents and the elderly such important values ​​as sharing, building, participating , respect, accompany and collaborate.

A multicenter and multidisciplinary project where centers, participants and professionals have a common workspace, tools, and resources that help them manage and develop their own projects. Leading to a combined training with spaces for face-to-face interaction and networking.

By strengthening solidarity from childhood and education, we will be able to move forward and continue to provide opportunities for older people to reintegrate and continue to be part of the active community.

Gràcies als socis, donants i col·laboradors, millorem la qualitat de vida de les persones que es troben en una situació vulnerable: persones que no tenen llar, que pateixen algun trastorn mental o discapacitat intel·lectual, que es troben en una si tuació de dependència, persones gran, els joves i els infants hospitalitzats. A més a més, apostem per la recerca i la cooperació internacional. L’Orde Hospitalari de Sant Joan de Déu és una entitat fundada fa més de 500 anys, que compta amb 400 centres a 55 països per atendre les persones més fràgils de la societat.


Gracias a los socios, donantes y colaboradores, mejoramos la calidad de vida de las personas que se encuentran en una situación vulnerable: personas que no tienen un hogar, que sufren algún trastorno mental o discapacidad intelectual, que se encuentran en una situación de dependencia, personas mayores, jóvenes y la infancia hospitalizada. Además apostamos por la investigación y por la cooperación internacional. La Orden Hospitalaria San Juan de Dios es una entidad fundada hace más de 500 años, que cuenta con 400 centros en 55 países para atender a las personas más frágiles de la sociedad.


Donators (1)



779 days ago
